When two people are bonded together through marriage, that is called a wedding ceremony. After the marriage has been completed, a wedding reception takes place in the company of family and friends.
As far as wedding reception party is concerned, generally hotels and churches are picked as venues. But, you want to make your wedding an unforgettable, unique one so that people remember this for a long time. Chances will be that big if you both are passionate basketball lovers. So, how to decorate a basketball court for a wedding reception? Let's get this started.
Choosing any local school basketball court for your wedding celebration will be an absolutely fantastic idea. Bonuses will be low cost and probably save time too. You must remember before starting the decoration for the basketball court wedding reception is the date and time schedule of when you can start to set up everything and when to clear everything from there.
Table of Contents
Things You Will Need to Decorate A Basketball Hoop
- Flower
- vases
- balloons
- lace
- papers
- ribbon
8 Steps To Decorate A Basketball Court For A Wedding Reception
Step 1:
At first, run your ribbon straight from the basketball goal to the ceiling above the center of court. Furthermore, run ribbon from walls to the center as well. A handy tips is that you need to keep the right balance of the number of strings of ribbon which shall be used in both side of the walls.
Step 2:
You do not want to witness a scenario like your guest falling off the court or running into a wall. When can this happen? If you place the table really close to the edge of the basketball court and try to move their chairs, it may accidentally happen. So, we advise you to place the table far enough from the edges of the court.
What can more amazing than placing cards and putting a number on the tables to let your guest know where they exactly should be?
Step 3:
To cover the walls, you can use large rolls of paper. If you are looking to make your wedding stand out, the color choice should be a very much important factor in your plan. This will also set up the kind of mood for everyone out there.
Let me help you out with an example. If purple and blue is your wedding color try to cover the top half of the walls with blue and remaining bottom half with purple.
Step 4:
Vases with flowers are very common thing at any reception. Choose some unique ones to display your fabulous flowers.
Step 5:
Is there any better way to announce “ there is a party going on” other than with balloons? You won’t find a simple decoration with a more glamorous look than this. This won’t even take too much of time.
Step 6:
Definitely emotions run high and you can create a romantic surrounding by turning off some of the lights. For DJ party leave some space in one corner, bring on some mesmerizing colorful lights and put the dancing shoes on. Head table can be placed under basketball hoops.
Step 7:
Find some things that are common between the newly married couple. Try to reflect those in the basketball court decorations. Even you can capture moments of utter joy of bride and groom and their families. Hang them onto walls. Wedding cake can be a great option too for basketball court design template.
Step 8:
Finally, what can be done to make your guests temporarily think that they are not in a basketball playground?
Blossom tress and small water fountain type large decorations definitely gonna take your focus off of the walls.

Final Words
Just keep one thing on your mind whatever you choose to do while decorating your basketball court, your reception theme should be matched with it and your basketball court design standards will be high.
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